The Team
6709 S.P.U.D. INC Robotics encompasses more than just the building of the robot, but also everything that goes with running a functional organization. As a student-led team, the members do everything from finding sponsors, promoting our team(including the production of this website), and, of course, the designing and making of our robot. Within this team, every person has a duty, a part they contribute to make everything possible. Below, we have a list of each role our members can take.
The Impact Team handles community outreach and does their best to ensure
Due to the many possible mishaps that may occur while working with the machinery, our team saw fit to appoint a subdivision in charge of overseeing team safety. The Safety Subdivision is in charge of preventing dangers and ensuring our team's wellbeing.
When most people think about a robotics team, this is usually the first thing they think about. The Build Subdivision oversees the robot's production, including designing this season's robot, creating props to test its abilities with with real-life field elements, and solving problems with the robot's functionality as they come along.
The Programming Subdivision is tasked with any programming needs the team might require. This team is in charge of programming the current season's robot to follow commands smoothly so that the Drive Team has no troubles operating it during competition.
If you think of the robot as a living organism, the Electrical Subdivision is the team of doctors that connect its nerves together to make it functional.
The Logistics Subdivision keeps our team running smoothly, managing details from our team's finances to scheduling.